Monday, March 24, 2014

The Institute initiated this pilot project with the hope that it may open up a dialogue, grow and c

On March 23, 2013 The Swedish Institute cv market Alexandria organizes a mini-Almedalen in Cairo. cv market This is the result of a series of meetings with the main political parties in Egypt where Almedal The model was received with open arms.
Swedish Institute Alexandria is part of the Swedish Foreign Service. It was established in 2000 and works to increase understanding between Europe and the Middle East / North Africa (MENA) and contribute to political, economic and social stability in the region. The Institute's work is to support the development of democracy and human rights in MENA according to the government.
"After the uprisings in Egypt and other countries, it has formed a large number of parties that are trying to find their place in the new political situation in which an authoritarian government is moving towards a democratic. One-party system under the dictatorship has meant that the Egyptians have no experience of party political work and dialogue across party lines. A single televised debate between the two presidential candidates took place before the 2012 election. Otherwise, the Egyptian people are not given the opportunity to see and listen to some debates between party leaders at all. "Says Ms Holst-Alani, Director of the Swedish cv market inistutet Alexandria.
To support the nascent democracy Swedish Institute Alexandria initiated a previously untested cooperation across party lines in Egypt and a committee of a dozen political parties, representing both religiously stressed and liberal ideologies have agreed to participate in a "mini-Aledalen" the March 23. Also involved a number of human rights organizations and women's issues. The event is unique in the MENA region and the parties involved in the TV debates recorded during the day, culminating in a live debate between party leaders.
The Institute initiated this pilot project with the hope that it may open up a dialogue, grow and create fertile ground for democracy at grassroots level. Egypt is in strong need of a platform where the trust between citizens and decision-makers can be built. cv market If the mini-Almedalen inspires and touches so the institute has managed to convey some of the Swedish model in an Egypt that is increasingly characterized by polarization.
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