Thursday, March 13, 2014

Additional qualification: Knowledge in LFA / RBM methodology Knowledge of human rights and democrat

SILC is a liberal foundation engaged in democracy assistance. Our project aims to strengthen the organizations cleanup download and people who work for democracy and human rights. Democratization requires cleanup download clear political actors can mobilize citizens and institutions to implement the necessary changes. We work primarily in totalitarian and post-totalitarian states with political parties, youth, women's, human rights organizations cleanup download and independent journalists. The main focus of our business is located in Eastern Europe, Latin America and Middle cleanup download East / North Africa (MENA). SILC include contracted to carry Liberal Party part of the party-democracy support. The tasks
SILC operates since 2011 activity in the MENA region with a focus on strengthening political pluralism in the countries that were part of the Arab Spring. SILC is now launching together with Olof Palme International Center cleanup download (OPC), a dynamic project, funded by SIDA, which aims to strengthen political pluralism in Egypt. cleanup download A large part of the project aims to empower women and younger politicians from all political blocs vying for political office. A large part of the project consists of training in Egypt and visits to the Liberal Party and the Social cleanup download Democrats during election campaigns and party political events.
SILC is looking for a driven and want assistance project for the implementation of the above project. The service includes contacts cleanup download with all the established parties in Egypt, support for Silcs and OPCs local partners in Egypt, planning of activities, budget, reporting and financial accounting of the project. The assignment also against the Swedish public to strengthen the dissemination of information on political developments in the MENA region. The service is intended employment for a period of two years and placed on full-time in Cairo.
Qualifications: Higher education in the social sciences, law, economics or management cleanup download Documented interest in international development cooperation Ability to use Arabic and English as the working language Experience in performance monitoring and financial reporting cleanup download Ability to analyze complex political processes Ability to design projects and business from the ground cleanup download
Additional qualification: Knowledge in LFA / RBM methodology Knowledge of human rights and democratization issues Experience of living and working in environments that are uncomfortable and challenging Good knowledge in IT, logistics cleanup download and information work
SILC - Bastugatan cleanup download 41 118 25 Stockholm Sweden

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