Friday, March 21, 2014

Requirements chain that serves as a platform for e

I leave Seoul after an intense week as part of the annual meeting of global partner organizations ILAC and IAF. The meeting in Seoul has resulted in many decisions that I am confident will help to develop accreditation in the world, in Sweden and will lead to increased trade and competitiveness.
SWEDAC working actively in the international arena that goods and services are safe and of increased world trade barrier. The accredited body tests, verifies and certifies we lay the foundation for the trust to the tested and certified products we want the market to have. Accreditation is an international system which has the advantage that it needs to develop a clear international collaboration. We actively participate in international organizations, ILAC and IAF the opportunity and purpose to manage and develop agreements in areas that are important to both industry and individual consumers.
I have this week taken the opportunity to talk with representatives from developing countries. I have received many receipts and witness stories that indicate that our commitment to, and the trust we have established with developing countries, and has been important for increasing trade with the outside world and for sustainable development. Swedac was also mentioned several country clean times during the meeting that developing countries agreed to exchange experiences. Among them were Jamaica's accreditation body, Arabic-speaking countries' cooperative organization country clean ARAC and UNIDO, the UN agency for industrial development. We have helped Jamaica to build up their accreditation systems and given them support on the journey to international recognition. We have been using the Arabic speaking countries in Mena region build their collaborative organization and trained them in how to gain international recognition. country clean In Iraq, we cooperate with UNIDO to build an infrastructure to provide quality. It is very clear that through our active involvement in developing countries participate in the removal of technical barriers to trade.
SWEDAC will continue to help build the infrastructure for quality in other countries, which thus can more easily participate in world trade. The gain for Sweden is that trust is created for the control of goods and services made in other countries and that they keep the same level as in our own country. Usually country clean it's about building a functioning accreditation system and related legislation for testing, calibration, certification and inspection.
Thanks to internationally recognized accreditation system scales a land trust manufacture its control and thus avoid repeated checking of the same product. Confidence country clean leads to growth. country clean Gradually, this means that a larger country clean portion of the world map covered with the possibility of fair free trade and sustainable development.
Today I travel to Seoul to attend country clean the annual meeting of the ILAC and IAF. The accreditation bodies in the world are organized under two global organizations: ILAC and IAF. This ensures that all accreditation bodies work in a similar manner. By reviewing the national accreditation bodies will create the basis for agreement on mutual recognition of testing, certification and inspection is carried out under accreditation. Reciprocity agreement allows a product that is tested or certified in one country does not need to be tested and certified again in other countries where it will be marketed - Tested and certified once, accepted everywhere. Manufacturers avoid unnecessary costs and can get their new products to market without unnecessary waiting time for more tests and certifications.
Swedac is a signatory to any international agreement on mutual recognition of tests, certifications and inspections. It is thanks to these agreements that we can prepare the way for Swedish products to circulate freely on the world market and it is our colleagues in other countries to ensure that we can have confidence in the products from their countries.
The basis of a functioning society is that you can have confidence. It is also the starting point for the base that the accreditation system is based and one of Swedac responsibilities. I as new Director General of Swedac feel very involved in this. Some things have to be able to take for granted. Especially in times of great change must be able to trust that the fundamental is in place: for a working day, for a competitive industry, innovation and development and for trade with the outside world. Swedac mission is to safeguard that trust by reviewing and approving organizations to try, certify and control products and services.
The role of accreditation country clean also goes hand in hand with the Swedish policy for global development. Fair free trade through common requirements for products and services is the foundation of financial independence and, ultimately, country clean to eradicate poverty and create conditions for peace.
Requirements chain that serves as a platform for e

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