Saturday, March 22, 2014

Another popular booth belonged to the women

Right now feverish preparations for this summer's Almedal Week, not only in government offices and the party secretariats but on businesses, government agencies, interest groups, editorial boards, etc., and more.
Swedish how to clean your room Institute in Alexandria, SwedAlex (follow them on Facebook and Twitter), is one of the century's missions abroad. SwedAlex was launched in 2000 with the goal of promoting dialogue between Europe and the Middle East / North Africa (MENA). An excellent example is Hewarat Masreya (meaning just Egyptian dialogue), the Egyptian version of Almedalen who then held in late March.
The idea was that this "mini-Almedalen" would be open to dialogue and sow the seeds of democracy at the grassroots level. Egyptians have lacked a platform for dialogue between citizens and decision-makers, and the people of Egypt - and other countries in the region - watching and listening to politicians in principle only by radio and television. To attend a live debate between political opponents have hitherto been unthinkable for the general how to clean your room public and therefore did the Swedish initiative a significant footprint how to clean your room in Egyptian how to clean your room society.
Several TV channels, including Al-Jazeera, sent the debate. The whole day was a huge media coverage in place - just over 80 representatives from television, radio, newspapers and magazines guarded how to clean your room discussions. how to clean your room The debates live stream how to clean your room was also simultantolkade into English, and it is perfectly possible to experience the atmosphere even in retrospect. Look into the site!
- Self-I was interviewed live by Al-Jazeera and two Egyptian TV channels during the day, such as during a live 40 minutes long TV program the day before, says Birgitta Holst Alani, director of SwedAlex.
- The gap between the ruling party and much of the population looking for an outside observer out to gradually grow. Not to the country will shatter and fall apart, it is now for the Egyptians to join forces with available how to clean your room funds overcome the divisions and polarization between religious-influenced parties on the one hand, and on the other, the secular center-left parties.
SwedAlex cooperated with the Egyptian NGO "Enlightened Egypt," which was co-hosted. The day was planned by a committee where a dozen party officials from as many games included, and it was they who set the agenda and decided to debate topics. This is an important success factor how to clean your room - that the Egyptians were "owned" the event itself.
From early morning to late afternoon, said officials from the political parties and organizations to questions from the public. A stand that was particularly well attended belonged Salafia Costa, an organization that is rumored is about to become a party and has members how to clean your room from both Islamist Salafists as Coptic Christians. how to clean your room
Another popular booth belonged to the women's organization Act. The atmosphere was relaxed, and among the visitors were many activists and younger. how to clean your room SwedAlex in had previously been advertising the event at four universities in Cairo.
After a full day of discussions between the parties, organizations how to clean your room and the public, it was time for the highlight how to clean your room - the party leader debate. And it's a unique way with Egyptian standards: Seven party leaders took part in a live debate led by the estimated journalist and television personality Yosri Fouda.
The temperature rose gradually among the crowd. One question that adding to the already high voice mode was when a listener asked one of the party leaders at all how he could accept to campaign with one of the others, a politician who previously accused him of working how to clean your room against the nation's best. The two party leaders how to clean your room tried to explain that they were friends how to clean your room despite their opposing how to clean your room political views. After finishing the debate embracing the two together on the podium.
- The striking political immaturity held by residents how to clean your room through how to clean your room the legacy of dictatorship shows that the adage "if you are not with us you are our enemy" is still a hot topic in Egypt. It will require how to clean your room a tremendous amount of work to change the ingrained culture of polarized behavior among all groups in society, says Birgitta Holst Alani.
Yesterday how to clean your room was elected Sweden into the UNESCO Executive how to clean your room Board during the organization's ongoing General Conference. To ...
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