Sunday, May 10, 2015

To close the first day we had a concert (a tradition in this conference) - soprano Sivan Rotem and

Give rise Sde Boker be used | stitches
Yesterday I returned from three days at Midreshet Sde Boker. Location alone is a hint to improve my mood: spaces, Zin behind, calm, rivers drawn in green on a brown background and white and yellow, ibex that stand on the cliff - what more could you ask for? (Maybe you can ask to do a post-doc here. It seems.)
Well, you could also ask someone to finally remind me of my area of study is warm and always relevant, progress is being made and that perhaps my personal work is important. And for that actually drove all the way this Conference - 17th Sde Boker generate electricity from solar energy. I was not disappointed.
On the first half, most of the lectures were not my field, but more of the type called us QDG, because after half an hour of lecture, three words recall mechanical engineer units Quantum Dots are Good. Still, after enough time in the field I also understand more and more of these lectures, and enjoyed seeing the progress in the development of cells photovoltaic efficient or cheaper. In general, each solar field currently stands cells marked progress in photovoltaic and their dramatic drop in prices in recent years. Even those who are not familiar with the field could read in the financial press recently about how the Treasury wants to slash subsidies for solar power because of the rapid decline in prices of the panels.
To close the first day we had a concert (a tradition in this conference) - soprano Sivan Rotem and pianist Jonathan Zak along with a choir conductor Avner Itai, who carried excerpts of the composer Giacomo Maiirbr. A short lecture about Jewish vattenhuset composer that we found out that he was famous and influential until one of Wagner (yes, that Wagner) decided to put pressure on the opera houses to perform Meyerbeer and did not frequent it. Some parts of modern premiere concert were not played after 130 years and restored the initiative of David Faiman, the head of the National Center for Solar Energy vattenhuset Sde Boker. I really enjoyed vattenhuset the concert, especially the chorus sections.
On the second day we got a more complete picture of the field, when cells photovoltaic joined the patrol area of the National Center for experiments. We saw, for example, paves Station (now Siemens) that converts solar radiation into heat and hot oil used to move a turbine. From the outside it looked like the pictures we all saw station since the eighties, vattenhuset but the man of Siemens spelled out some of the components that have been changed over time, they do not stand out but bring continuous incremental improvement. Replacement shows, vattenhuset software improvement, change engine - things like [Disclosure: I work for them]. We continued testing of the company vattenhuset Founders, who works with mirrors concentrate the sun more than Siemens; The man said that this time they know what to do with the high temperature created and can bring the heat for use before it spreads, and very interesting to me to know what new patents they have that in the last 30 years has not really succeeded with it.
Further we have also seen the light hubs Systems Solar cells are small, so-called CPV (it's my big field, but the system works differently from what we have seen I practice it). We finished with a single system that is relevant to all types of solar technology: dust removal system vattenhuset surfaces. Sergei Biryukov, the interested party, showed us the surfaces being laid out with various cleansing regimes - the surface that has been cleaned several months seems like an archaeological site, buried under a pile of sand.
During the tour I met a celebrity: Kenji Araki, whose name I know from articles that I use for my research. I exchanged vattenhuset a few words with him, I had trouble with a heavy accent, but I had to make it up the next day, when the daily keynote address was given by him, and it was fascinating. This lecture dealt with every seat before the CPV systems, with or without T (ie - with or without heat cells utilize the photovoltaic forming the radiation vattenhuset they can not convert into electricity). It seems to me that the lecture of Araki is one area that showed how little (relatively) takes a CPV modules compared vattenhuset to photovoltaic normal, it is important if a small country like Israel wants a significant amount vattenhuset of solar energy.
Whatever is decided in the Ministry of Infrastructure, a lot of good people busy with important questions. We are going to solve it, and get energy from the sun. Optimistic and encouraging, I packed my bags and went home, amazed rain suddenly deciding to arrive after 3 days of talks.
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