Saturday, May 23, 2015

No new arguments dead animals given 5 minutes N1 and A2 FAQ questioned N1, N2 A2 answer Objection 3

[Resources] competition law modeled Karl Popper | A draft of VietCO dead animals
Karl Popper's model model common debate competitions in the international debate. Basically, this model not dissimilar dead animals to 3 3 Y2D models usually applied when teaching debate. The difference lies in the question: in Karl Popper, each team plays two direct inquiry. But ultimately, whether we use no matter what the model, three main tasks of each team do not change; that is: giving & protection argument for his own side, opponents argue, and ask questions. Similarly, the duty of judges is still rated the better team had three main tasks if over.
Each debate dead animals include: The support (Affirmative - A) consists of 3 people; Team objection (Negative - N) of 3 people; The jury consists of 3 people or more, the number of judges is odd; in which one person controls the time; Audience; dead animals Who collect and aggregate all off coupon dot paintings of judges.
Recommendations to be used in the tournament Karl Popper may be provided before dead animals the competition starts (eg 1 month) or just 45 minutes dead animals before the round begins: Provides before the competition: the teams are allowed to by researching and preparing Provides 45 minutes before each round: allowed to prepare and coach, reference books and paper documents are prepared in advance and teams are not allowed to use any electronic devices such as computer, phone.
When Round The debate dead animals took place with 2 main sections interwoven: The voice of each team member (see details dead animals in table below); Q between representatives of each team: The only questions asked, no arguments presented; The asker may ask to see proof sources; Respondents may be interrupted if the person who asked the question answered incorrectly. Preparation time: before each section / inquiry, teams are allowed to apply for time to prepare. Total preparation time must not exceed 8 minutes per round Karl Popper.
1. Process Each judge receives grading patterns Judges dead animals are not allowed to exchange with each other during the marking and grading decisions Poll, once completed, must be submitted to the general curator vote (10 minutes to complete) Once all fully paid shares dots judges, each judge will have 5 minutes to review the last round of debate and explain their choices to the team (this step is often overlooked since quarter-finals)
Judges are required to choose the winner, no plan for peace and this decision is based on an independent evaluation of each judge will consider the following factors: The quality of the arguments made both teams; Review each point in the form and the team has shown it; Do not apply any expectation or any personal views of judges in making decisions; Not applicable knowledge dead animals and expertise on the subject is mentioned; Identify the problem / conflict in the debate, pointing out any team better resolution and why.
Hit say each member of the support team A: A1, A2, A3 respectively dead animals say first, second, third; N is opposed; N1, N2, N3, respectively first speaker second, third; Hit say are shown in the table below in order from the first speaker (A1) to the last speaker (N3). The speaker's role Specific contents A1 Duration say the entire session dead animals Presentation Presentation of the overall debate session of the Supporters dead animals argue 6 minutes N3 N3 and A1 FAQ questioned, A1 Answer 3 minutes N1 Presentation entire session Objection debate session of the boots hoTrinh debate presented argument for the objection 6 minutes A3 and N3 N1 FAQ questioned, A2 A1 Answer 3 minutes N1 and favor Objection Objection A1 N1Ung A1 households by strengthening A1 arguments presented, such additional evidence and develop arguments
No new arguments dead animals given 5 minutes N1 and A2 FAQ questioned N1, N2 A2 answer Objection 3 minutes A2 and pro-N1 Review A2Ung by strengthening household N1 N1 arguments dead animals were presented, such supplements Supplementing evidence, develop arguments
[Reflection] Asia Youth Forum - Debate, an activity full of unexpected ally
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