Saturday, July 5, 2014

To us we had not gone in no time we were writing a book for young people. The stars were this age,

The second half of 2006 was a curious moment for me. I had always been a slow writer, who worked in fits and starts. Finished my first publishable novel, for example, una maid en manhattan had taken almost six years. But something had changed in my way and suddenly it was working on all cylinders and with a quality that I seemed much improved with respect to the first efforts. I was professionalized. Between April and September had managed una maid en manhattan to start and finish the game God for me the best he had written until then, and felt wearing push. Not to repeat the mistakes of other titanium nipples (one wrote a piece and then sent to another why continue, which slowed the process una maid en manhattan and very inviting una maid en manhattan compulsive rewriting) we decided that this time the first round is handled by one, from head to foot, and as fast as possible. And of course, after both boast the new speed he had acquired, I had the honor to me.
I started Fangs (which then bore the working title of the wild) in September 2006 and the end of the year we had finished the first draft. Another record. Was in a very precarious state, it must be said, because he wrote without looking back, only faithfully following the ladder without much thought myself, it so automatically like my beats admired, only without drugs and guidelines for screenplay very well defined. It was easier than it seems because the staircase una maid en manhattan was very thorough. una maid en manhattan Only had to fill holes. Then we spent the next three and a half polishing the manuscript thoroughly and improving it with care, of course, una maid en manhattan so that we were completely una maid en manhattan satisfied. In the Spring of 2010. Had taken seven years to write and only four nipples titanium finish Fangs. A substantial improvement.
The next step was to think about what we did. As with nipples, we had not raised at any time if we were to invest the time in a salable una maid en manhattan product. We were too excited about a puzzle that excites us and have fun with the creative process. Luckily we work with some great professionals who are responsible for these purposes more worldly and so we can concentrate on writing. When our agent had to read the manuscript, I was very clear: this is crossover, told us. I admit I had not heard the buzzword until then, although it has been tsunami rocked the publishing business in the last decade. For those who are not in the industry (and clueless like me), this is the crossover genre that straddles book for teens and adults. The clearest examples are the Harry Potter series and the Twilight novels read by people of all ages despite initially seem destined to young people.
To us we had not gone in no time we were writing a book for young people. The stars were this age, it is true, but the story was dark and cruel details spared. If we had thought about the potential audience perhaps had softened. una maid en manhattan That would have been a mistake. Because thinking about it a bit, we realized that one does not write books for young people; writes books that interest young people. A distinction is more important than it seems. The children's book has its own language, adapted to the needs of children, it is true. But on the other hand, teenagers do not want children. They want to be treated like adults. No need to adjust, crop, hide, or paraphrase censor anything. Just writing about topics that they wish to read. After all, when I was twelve una maid en manhattan I swallow Frankenstein, Dracula, Poe, Tolkien, and would soon to Lovecraft, Asimov and Agatha Christie. They were books that were not written not thinking of the young, although clearly attracted to such readers. Fangs certainly had more than one point in common with these classic novels. Although both could like a teenager as a retiree, was a book that could well face towards the former. una maid en manhattan
We decided, therefore, to follow the intució our agent. And for that matter, why not introduce a novel prize? The most prestigious in children's literature is the Catalan Joaquin Ruyra, and we were still in time to send the original edition that year. We felt a little daring, una maid en manhattan do not think, especially with a book so unusual within the genre as ours. But we thought we were not losing anything by trying it. And the rest, as they say, is history.
It labels every day makes me lazy. There are people in literature and different degrees of maturity. Destination only part of the publishing business, not for the kindness of a book or some other. 9:36 am
Completely agree with literature for young people is a mistake. I still remember how surprised Frank

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