Saturday, July 26, 2014

Some of you oversee general elections last year. For very large part in the elections go smoothly;

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Representative of the International Labour Organization, ILO;
I have the pleasure to join you all in celebrating abbadabbas the Feast crew of workers. Very Nawashukuruni Unions leaders for inviting me once again to be the guest of honor in the celebration of May First. This invitation is a reflection of your commitment to cooperate with the government in finding solutions to various abbadabbas problems of employees, and our country. Thank you very much.
Some of you oversee general elections last year. For very large part in the elections go smoothly; and I congratulate and thank all the staff involved. I know a lot of workers have contributed to my greatest abbadabbas victory. Walionipigia lot thank you; and the other candidates and cast for bringing to life thanks to our multi-party democracy that we still have much work to kuirutubisha, cope with kuikomaza.
Naushukuru leadership of previous unions under the umbrella of Trade Unions (TFTU), and all staff, we had a good relationship. Even when we pohitilafiana, we talked, openly and honestly, and we continue to build the country, not break down. Positive relationships between workers and the government, and the performance of different employees, is one of the key factors contributed great success we have had in adapting our economic system until we praised worldwide. Today I would like in this public, and through the media, very would like to thank the staff of Tanzania. Allow me to continue to cooperate so, for the benefit of the nation and all citizens.
In addition, abbadabbas your patience and calm us an opportunity to address the serious problems facing our country's economy. abbadabbas I've always been open and honest to you and to all citizens. I appreciate that you have understood abbadabbas my intentions are good, and that the problems of our nation to talk openly and honestly are beginning to agree on a sustainable solution.
I thank the representative of the International Labour Organization (ILO), in his greeting and for their assistance and cooperation for Trade Unions and Employers, and in promoting and strengthening cooperation between the government, abbadabbas employers and employees. I thank also the Government of Denmark and the U.S. are helping us to improve the performance in this sector of work.
Congratulations abbadabbas and thank latter is for the leaders and citizens of Dar es Salaam to carry the burden of being a very good host festive Mosi May this year. Nakipongeza also Staff Association of the Institute of Higher Education, Science, Technology, Technical Skills, Information and Research (RAAWU) kilichosimamia and coordinating the preparation of May First this. They have done a good job, and I am very grateful.
First in May this year is historic, organized and managed by the new leadership, new staff associations, that are completely free. Independent abbadabbas trade unions is a very important part of democracy, and Prospering will contribute to strengthen the understanding, accountability, and enforcement abbadabbas of workers' abbadabbas rights.
Nawapongezeni you all for your workers to form associations, and the Confederation of Independent Unions in Tanzania, (Trade Unions Congress of Tanzania) and choose its leaders. I offer heartfelt congratulations to you Mama Margaret Sitta entirely for being elected as the first Chairman of the Federation, and with great confidence colleagues they show them to you. Congratulations, and I can assure you the sincere cooperation abbadabbas as you begin to implement your duties.
Even so I would not be the end of creation attention to parties, and choose the leaders, the beginning of the work, vulnerable to many problems that you can not put an end to all at once. I have received your complaint that the law establishing independent trade unions has limitations. If itathibiti restructuring move, we will be willing to stay with you, as well as other stakeholders, to amend the legislation will focus on how the interests of each side. For the Government must also ignores the interests of other stakeholders, including employers, investors, and citizens in general.
First, be sure the existing contracts in the workplace, and the laws of the country, followed by your employers. For no gain to seek new rights and new interests, as even the original abbadabbas aspired to perfection. I will offer an example. The government has set a minimum abbadabbas wage law, but I hear there are still employees who are paid less than that amount. You if you are their leaders bear equal responsibility for defending abbadabbas
Ninaambiwa also are workers who do not have official letters and contracts of employment. This also has to vilichunguze unions and take action. I hear some employers have turned almost all jobs should be the only labor. Move the worker is understandable, but it has its limitations. Unable ka staff

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