Monday, December 23, 2013

Take for example wheat. Wheat grain itself has a low glycemic index, which means is a complex carbo

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Simple logic - you need to burn more calories than you consumed. 1 kg of fat contains 7000-10000 kcal (depending on the nature of fat), ie a calorie deficit should amount to at least 7000, that would burn 1kg of fat on the sides.
If you create a calorie deficit of 1000, it will be released mtp usb device driver download this week 1 kg. Believe mtp usb device driver download it very much. 1 kg per week is the maximum that you can expect in terms of burning fat. Usually fat is 0.5-1 kg per week.
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Go to the drugstore and buy a regular tea for bowel cleansing drink of it a few days and then forget. At least once a month for 2-3 days drink it that clean the intestines. This will improve the absorption of food and reduce your belly. Bad advice mtp usb device driver download for burning belly fat
Diets dangerous to your health: Kefir diet - whole days sitting on yogurt Juice Diet - drink some juice Watermelon diet - a few days only eat watermelon glycoprivous diet - a complete mtp usb device driver download rejection of carbohydrate starvation and other
And you know what horrified me? Not that the authors mtp usb device driver download write sites, and what they write in the comments ladies, and say, I lost weight on this diet for 6 kg per week or 10 days. Drain 6 kg and it is necessary to write, rather than head to fool people. Well leave these ... do not even know what to call them. What should a proper diet for fat burning
In fact, nothing beyond the natural proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If you remove one of the ingredients, the body will make up for it due to domestic stocks. For example you stopped eating carbs at all, and 50-60% of total calories per day, and the main source of energy (including the brain), then all the energy you will receive only from proteins and fats. All the fat will burn, but also all of the proteins and protein needed to build new cells, but instead he spent on heating the body such as, etc.
In watermelon very few calories and those - carbohydrates. Accordingly, you will observe a terrible shortage of protein in the body. To make up for this loss of body begins to eat away muscle - the only supply of protein (amino acids) in the body.
To 1 kg of the same fat = 10000 kcal, and 1 kg of muscle = 3300kkal, i.e. 1 kilogram of burnt fat you lose 3 pounds mtp usb device driver download of muscle. The more muscles in your body, the better shape and the easier you burn fat (even without exercise), because much muscle = faster metabolism.
And things like the juice diet is a solid fast carbs that are instantly absorbed into the blood and is an instant release of sugar and as a consequence a large load on the pancreas. Scientists came to this conclusion: if every day drinking 1stakan mtp usb device driver download (1L or I do not remember) for six years undermining, you earn diabetes!
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The only thing that you need to change in the first place in their diet - it count calories. If you eat 1,500 calories a day, what would burn 1 kg of fat per week, you need to spend 2300-2500 kcal.
Ordinary person per day should mtp usb device driver download eat 1g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. If you weigh 60kg, then 60g of protein per day is your minimum. For gaining lean muscle, multiply this figure several times. 60g protein contains mtp usb device driver download three liters of milk per 400g pork, 600g of pasta. And so much protein you eat every day? How much to fat and carbohydrates per day, which would remove belly fat
Plus are two types of carbohydrates: simple and fast or slow or difficult. As seen from the title complex carbohydrates are more complex and take longer mtp usb device driver download to digest, slowly absorbed into the blood. There is a constant release of energy.
Take for example wheat. Wheat grain itself has a low glycemic index, which means is a complex carbohydrate. One has only to grind wheat semolina obtained (

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