Monday, October 21, 2013

As you set out for Ithaka clean games hope the voyage is a long one, full of adventure, full of kno

As you set out for Ithaka clean games hope the voyage is a long one, full of adventure, full of knowledge clean games ... The truth is there are many Ithacas as the goals we set in our lives. Each time you achieve a goal we set one next so keep trying and trying to do the best we can in our lives. Whenever clean games we come to Ithaca, we set a higher goal and continue our march towards the new Ithaca to the new goals set. Ithaca does not offer us anything more beyond the trip to get to it. Even though clean games so it is worth every effort. Deserve our full commitment and all our gratitude, which keeps us in a constant vigilance and effort for our country, especially now that was surrounded by "Laestrygonians clean games and Cyclops." .. M these thoughts, I welcome you to my blog and I hope this space to become a place for exchange and reflection.
Who believed in the past 18 months clean games or so that ND and PASOK "loved" and then suddenly ... cohabitation will follow and ... religious marriage is or fool or provocateur. clean games
The most clear conflict of D. Avramopoulos clean games and Ev. Venizelos shows that New Democracy and PASOK will never be loved, will never be identified, and certainly not going to go along as no great need.
The differences are chaotic and there is a past that will never let them get close. Besides, there are many stitches for fur, both Mr Venizelos and many other PASOK. The forced cohabitation simply gives immunity to PASOK for the crimes he did.
And to say and the right skewed, the president clean games of SYRIZA did move - Matte option to "pick up" issue. And turmoil in the government and caused Venizelos made me blush from evil and from his anger and divert discussion of the other issues that had lost miserably (Golden Dawn, etc.)
The coalition virtually no "pulls" But let opsetai need. He sees this and Samaras who would like to have loosened his hands and that inquiry to go and not need each Venizelos to play ... and vice politician megaloparagontas and would normally have been hidden for what has do. If people chose not stable governments, these government "monstrosities" will we see in the future. At the bottom - the bottom let's not leaving the government Kouvelis clean games also have been a different situation. As, then, Samaras should sygkyverna with ... political remnants of socialism, will we see such incidents like this one between Avramopoulos and Venizelos.
In all the countries of Europe have always existed coalition. Even in the U.S., Obama essentially "sygkyverna" with Republicans and saw the results in the near-bankruptcy. In coalition the main goal is to have a stable government and not break the country. That is what happened in Greece and especially here and there is the risk of financial, not only annihilation.
The options are not many, this government will continue limping wrong with Venizelos putting it with Avramopoulos and otherwise, or we will go to elections and then ... meichthito earth with fire.
There is also the option of Tsipra course. If people think that there will be bankrupt by SYRIZA in power, then they are free to go to Koumoundouros. But when you see executives clean games like Stratoulis in an upsurge of populism to say: "I'll tear up the memorandum in the courtyard of the House ..." and Tsipra promises hare stole and vague commitments for renegotiation, then you do not have much hope for the contenders clean games of power.
I was born in 1957 in Gymnotopos Ziros from parents farmers, Thanasis and Persephone. I finished primary education and then studied electrical and electronics, taking clean games a first degree in 1973. Then in Athens continued their studies as Electronic, whilst working in laboratories and factories of electronic devices. In 1980 I graduated foreman email. In 1981 I get a professional license email. As a radio operator, clean games I served my time for 28 month armored border in Thrace. Then I worked clean games in my specialty as an electronic in construction company in Libya. clean games Then I worked for a fixed EL.TA Philippiada and my specialty, a company hydroelectric project. clean games Then for 15 years, my business was in the field of electrical & electronics, marketing and service, Filipiada, the leash and Arta. I am a member of the University

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