Thursday, October 3, 2013

Well, this morning arise, and go to work to Trelew - course boomers san diego discussion and conver

* Week * pretty busy in Patagonia! | Ellbaines's Blog
Well, this morning arise, and go to work to Trelew - course boomers san diego discussion and conversation with members of this society. While walking to the bus I saw a man I see every time I go to catch a bus, it is sweeping boomers san diego the leaves off the sidewalk. I always say as an 'Hola or Buenos Dias' .... but yesterday I heard the man speaking Welsh with Peter who happened to be in Gaiman. So today's "Good Morning" is what me and explained that I did not understand that he was speaking Welsh or we will have to chat for a while! But I'll have to start earlier to catch a bus for questioning again and hopefully going to say hello sometime. This gave white on my face! It's nice to greet someone in the morning, and now he could do in Welsh! It; n siarda Welsh wonder how much this street Michael D Jones!
Hit the lesson, foraging for books etc, and reached 3 to the lesson today. Roeddyn has trefnudathliad small for me, one cooked apple cake (a cake plate) and brownies for me, has become boomers san diego a mate, tea and coffee, and a candle to put in the brownies! Well I have loved, and I have a Welsh birthday boomers san diego card!!! He sang to me and we had the 3 chat in eating boomers san diego cakes and drinking mate! Many thanks to them! I had a diary as a present, it was full of pictures and photograffiau from Argentina, pictures are worth seeing.
Ok thanks is what then me but no idea who the creature! He started talking boomers san diego ychdig Welsh and English with me. He remembered me after Luned to be talking with him in Gaiman and introduced me to him! Iesgob not feel bad that oeddeddwn remember! But he would remember now! For 'Anonymous' is of to me! Questions must Luned! it comes from and whatever boomers san diego Dolafon friend Luned!
It's funny the things a person will notice when coming to a country as different .... and I; n sometimes very observant person! A silver BMW here yesterday attracted my attention! Because this is the first I have seen since I'm here!
Tonight I was teaching a lesson Wlpan and gave me a birthday boomers san diego present from one of the girls there, like heart shaped box with the Welsh colors around it. She was making them, and sells them from what I understand. It is worth seeing!
Tonight I had invitation to celebrate asado Birthday Sebastian Gaiman. Sara came over from Trelew, and left the two of us by about 9.30pm to 10pm. Good crew was there, and plenty of meat ity and delicious food right there! A birthday boomers san diego cake for dessert. A night out or party is very different here! They're not like us grace at home and excited! But I understand why, because it's a long night, going to someone's house or party at about 10pm, then going to a nightclub by about 3am, then stay out until about 7am sometimes or never!! boomers san diego What was nice about the birthday party here to join everyone was playing a game of cards, a game trying to get a ping pong ball into a glass: Whoever boomers san diego that the ping pong ball in the glass in 2 people are choosing to drink! Then added orange ball, if you would choose to try the orange ball bouncing into his glass .... and succeed, boomers san diego everybody was drinking, if not - you yourself who drank! We also had a game of Uno!! It was fun! At midnight everyone was still at the table, and as it was on the 13th birthday Sebastian will be in 26oed made everyone sing Happy Birthday Castellano, boomers san diego English and Welsh him! Good! Tonight stay Gaiman oedda 'us, the party finished around 5am. Ron'm willing to be said about 'the bed too! Late nights does not ma de gret every weekend!
Today was Birthday Mabon, son of Isolde and Cristian, in 5yrs! Lois and I had to go to a party invitation Birthday at 5pm in a special place here in Gaiman where parties are held for children, a bouncy castle, ball pit, slides and space for kids to play outside! He Isolde had made Ben 10 cake for Mabon! It was great! Lois and I had a game of 'table football' there with Santiago and Idris! (Idris is Mabon brother, and a nursery school with Santiago in the Mabon) I saw the fun!
Later on Lois and I went to practice folk dancing at 8pm. I have really enjoyed folk dancing in the mound in Trelew on Saturday, May 5th. So I was excited about this exercise in Gaiman. But the much higher level! A more complex movements to someone like me who is starting! But I found it a go, hoping that patience with them then! Haha! So practice every Monday night, everyone there is much more experienced than me was not it!
Today between all the lessons I have on Tuesday and Cinamon desi cooking apple cake, apple and sultana boomers san diego crumble bread and dessert! Tomorrow the British Ambassador in Buenos Aires, arriving Gaiman and brought to the House for a de Chubut welsh! The post of ambassador will end this year after 4 years here in Argentina I meddwl.Roedd Lois has made carrot cake and cakes cry. Clare is the boss of the Andes are also coming along more quickly to meet the Ambassador. Clare will arrive at about 6am. I've put her bed in the living room again! D

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